17th June 2022 Five Bristol schools compete in cross-Trust athletics eventFive Bristol schools compete in cross-Trust athletics event Everyone was a winner at the first inter-school athletics event for Venturers Trust, held in May. Seventy Year 5 pupils from five schools took part in the day of sporting activity, hosted by Merchants’ Academy in Withywood and organised by Head of Sport at Venturers’ Academy, Ben Tier. Pup...Read More
16th March 2021 The Dolphin School Reveals New EmblemThe Dolphin School in Montpelier has revealed its new emblem, after the school community voted to replace its original emblem because the design echoed the Colston family crest. The decision came after a public consultation launched last September and a series of workshops with pupils exploring the questions: ‘what’s in a name?’ and ‘what’s in an e...Read More