Policies & Documents

Please click below to view the Trusts' statutory policies including:

  • whistle blowing policy
  • supporting students with medical conditions policy
  • health, safety and fire policy
  • first aid policy
  • children in care and previously in care policy
  • charging and remissions policy
  • allegations against staff policy

E-ACT policies - E-ACT

Click to find information about:


Specific policies for The Dolphin School are available below. 

Please contact the school office if you require any of our policies or key documents in a printed format. 


Other policies are available upon request including:

  • E Safety

  • Curriculum - Primary & Special School

  • Acceptable Use Agreement

Please note that information about Positive Handling can be found within our Behaviour Policy and information about Prevent in relation to preventing radicalisation and extremism can be found within our Safeguarding Policy. 


OfstedOfsted Report

Please use the below link to be redirected to our Ofsted Report

Visit the Ofsted website



DfeDepartment for Education School Performance Tables

Please use the below link to be redirected to our school DfE Performance Table page and the DfE school and colleges comparison webpage

Visit the DfE website                                    Compare the performance of schools and colleges in England - GOV.UK


As part of steps taken to fight the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the government announced that all exams due to take place in schools and colleges in England in summer 2020 are cancelled and that it will not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020.

Schools are not required to publish their exam and assessment results from the 2019 to 2020 academic year. The DfE link above continues to display our 2018 to 2019 performance measures until new performance measures are published.

These performance measures are NOT CURRENT.