Home Learning

Home learning, in its various forms, can provide a way to promote children learning and encourages links between home and The Dolphin School, by involving families in the work of their child. We recognise and value the role that families have in supporting and extending their child’s learning.


Our aims for home learning are:

  • to enhance and accelerate children’s learning through reinforcing skills and concepts introduced at The Dolphin School;
  • to enable pupils to make maximum progress in their academic and social development;
  • to help pupils develop the skills of an independent learner;
  • to promote cooperation between home and The Dolphin School in supporting each child's learning;
  • to consolidate and reinforce the learning done at The Dolphin School, and to allow children to practice skills taught in lessons;
  • to help children develop good work habits for the future;
  • to encourage family involvement in their child’s education.


From Year 1 upwards children will receive weekly home learning which focuses on the key skills of reading, phonics and spelling and mental maths.


They will also be set termly home learning which is project based and linked to their Enquiry or other areas of learning for that term.



  • Families are encouraged to read with their children 3 times per week, this can be in short chunks lasting 5 minutes. Please record in your child’s reading log for at least 3 sessions.
  • The phonics sounds the children are learning will be sent home so that families can practice them with their children.
  • We ask that families contribute to their child learning journey to show what learning has happened at home. This could be Lego building, something a child noticed whilst on a walk, writing or drawing which they have completed.
  • From time to time we will ask the children to complete an activity at home which ties in with the learning in the classroom e.g. what items can you find at home which are a circle, read your child a traditional tale.


Year 1

Weekly home learning

  • To be heard read by an adult at least 3 times in the week and record in their reading log books
  • To practice their phonics skills (individual sounds, blending and segmenting)
  • To practice their number facts and simple multiplication tables

This should take approximately 30-40 minutes per week


Termly home learning

  • Children need to complete 2 of the 6 challenges set. They can complete more if they wish. These will be project based.

Each challenge should take approximately 45 minutes each.


Year 2

Weekly home learning

  • To be heard read by an adult at least 3 times in the week and record in their reading log books
  • To practise their phonics skills and spellings
  • To practise their number facts and multiplication tables

This should take approximately 45 minutes per week


Termly home learning

  • Children need to complete 2 of the 6 challenges set. They can complete more if they wish. These will be project based.

Each challenge should take approximately one hour each.


Year 3 and 4

Weekly home learning

  • To be heard read by an adult at least 3 times of the week and record in their reading log books
  • To read independently
  • To practise their spellings and spelling patterns
  • To practise their number facts and multiplications and apply these in calculations


This should take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour per week.


Termly home learning

  • Children need to complete 2 of the 6 challenges set. They can complete more if they wish. These will be project based.

Each challenge should take approximately 1- 1 ½ hours each.


Year 5 and 6

Weekly home learning

  • To be heard read by an adult at least 3 times of the week and record in their reading log books
  • To read independently
  • To practise their spellings and spelling patterns
  • To practise their number facts and multiplications and apply these in calculations


This should take approximately 1- 1 ½ hours per week.


Termly home learning

  • Children need to complete 2 of the 6 challenges set. They can complete more if they wish. These will be project based.

Each challenge should take approximately 1 ½ -2 hours each.


From time to time Year 6 will also receive additional homework in preparation for their SATs and getting them ready for Year 7.





Weekly home learning:

Each week children will be expected to complete their reading, phonics or spelling practice and number facts or multiplication practice. These will be set on a Thursday and to be returned by a Tuesday.


Reading will be recorded in their reading log books and checked once per week.


Phonics/spellings and number facts/multiplication will be differentiated for the children These will be acknowledged by the class teacher and they also may be self-marked or peer marked.


Termly home learning:

Over each term the children will be set a selection of challenges/projects which they must complete at least 2 of. They can complete more than 2. The challenges will be set in the first week and all challenges must be return to school by the Tuesday of the second to last week of term. These will be marked and feedback will be given by the class teacher. A challenge could be: a letter, a research project, to make something, to visit a place, a presentation or writing a story. They will be linked to what your child is learning over the term.


Home learning will not be set for the school holidays but we would encourage parents to still hear their child read and practice their number facts with them.

We encourage families to please speak to your child’s teacher who will always be happy to explain any terminology or methods we use. We would also encourage families to attend the workshops we run throughout the year.