Behaviour & Anti Bullying

The Dolphin School is a place for teaching and learning. Everyone is entitled to learn in a safe, happy environment where there are opportunities to explore and reach their full potential.

Good behaviour is essential to the effective operation of our School, without it, pupils are not able to make outstanding progress in their learning as teachers are not able to teach effectively.

To ensure outstanding behaviour at the Dolphin School there is a very clear, easily understood, highly effective behaviour system that is consistently and comprehensively applied by all staff.

You can find our BELONGING, BEHAVIOUR & ENGAGEMENT POLICY on the policy page of the website.

Our broad principle is to treat others with respect and in the way you expect them to treat you and to uphold the Dolphin School Values and the Dolphin Standard.

We aim to embed our school values of resilience, respect, responsibility and curiosity in all we do.


Anti-bullying Procedure

Statement of intent

At The Dolphin School, we are committed to providing an environment that is welcoming, caring and safe for all children so that they can play and learn knowing they are well protected, safe and secure.

Bullying of any kind is unacceptable and will not be tolerated in our school. We take all incidents of bullying seriously. We believe that everyone has the right to be treated with respect and must not be a victim of bullying.

Children who bully others will be guided to learn different ways of interacting with their peers following a well-structured process. At The Dolphin School, we acknowledge that bullying can happen from time to time – it would be unrealistic to claim that it does not. When bullying does occur, children should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively.

We are a listening and telling school in which all children are actively encouraged and reminded to approach staff with any worries or concerns. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to tell a member of staff. We take steps to prevent (as far as possible) and deal effectively with any behaviour deemed as bullying. This supports the school’s ethos that bullying is unacceptable. 

What should a child do if they are being bullied?

They can tell their teacher or another adult in the classroom. They can also speak to our Pastoral Mentor or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. There is a box by our Pastoral Mentor's room if a child wants to write a note instead of speaking to an adult. 


Please see our Anti-Bullying poster which was co-constructed with the children from The Dolphin School 

Anti bullying

The dolphin standard

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