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School Disco
Where can I buy tickets?
Tickets will be on sale at school pick-up next week (the week leading up to the disco) by both gates. If any are left by Friday, they will be available to buy in the school office in the morning.
Can an adult supervise more than one child?
Yes. We suggest a maximum of 4 children per adult, but this may be too many for some children (or adults!). Adults will need a ticket for the disco. If an adult is coming to both discos they will need two tickets but only need to pay for one.
Can KS2 children go to the early disco, or KS1 to the late one with their siblings?
No – but younger (pre-school) siblings can go to the KS1 disco. They will need a ticket but will not need to pay for it.
Will there be anything to eat?
There will be a tuck shop selling mainly sweets and soft drinks – bring some money!
Can I help?
Yes please! Please see your class rep, or let us know when you buy tickets. You can supervise children and help out at the same time (so why not!).